On this page:
3.1 Actually sending a report
3.2 Other communication channels

3 Reporting Bugs

Bug reports are important, and so are feature requests! Thank you for your interest. Here’s how to send in yours.

There is the mailing list which is the first line for people like you to report to. Once a bug is confirmed, I will copy it onto the todo tracker as a task item.

Please spend one minute checking the todo tracker so you don’t submit a duplicate of somebody else’s report.

You can interact with the mailing list and the todo tracker without needing to register any accounts on any websites! It’s all done through regular email.

3.1 Actually sending a report

To actually send in your report, compose an email to ~cadence/breezewiki-discuss@lists.sr.ht with a useful subject line and a description.

Please make sure to include the following information:


3.2 Other communication channels

For real-time chat with the community, check out our chatroom!

To privately contact Cadence, the developer of BreezeWiki, here’s their website with contact info. If you run a wiki on Fandom or any other website, you’re very welcome to send me a message! If you don’t run any wikis, you’re a normal amount of welcome :D